World Humanitarian Day – Humanitarians Yes
World Humanitarian Day August 19th annually
World humanitarian day is in aid of recognition to aid and relief workers who risk their lives in humanitarian causes and those who seek to raise awareness and getting help with regards to the plight of people who are affected by or caught up in conflict and or persecution, or famine, or violence and war-torn terrorism acts.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations stated 128 million people from around the world are suffering in one form or another from the lack of humanitarian aid due to mostly the effects of war-torn and national disasters and neglect of human decency. In 2008 there were approximately 211,000 humanitarian agencies around the world and today it is estimated there are 270,000 humanitarian field workers of which 700 to 800 deaths are said to have occurred as a result of road traffic accidents with over 50% of aid worker injuries requiring medical assistance as a result of roadside attacks.
At heart Humanitarianism means helping others and is regarded by humanitarians as the best part of the job. There are many facets to humanitarianism. Underpinning the global humanitarian problems are three main basic foundation principles or parts which serve as the main areas for where humanitarian endeavors and values are implemented.
Human Rights
Human rights play an important part and aspects of it can be a risky business. When it comes to standing up for human rights in terms of supporting humanitarian aid in places that are full of conflict and violence, the risk is high and very much a real and growing concern for aid workers as to the possibility they could lose their life in a cause to help alleviate suffering or be caught up in the turmoil and captured, or tortured even and held to ransom or death by some one or other terrorist group or following for example.
This is where the basic human rights of freedom, equality, prevention of the degradation, and persecution, and the right to life and fairness in living it, is indeed the cornerstone of all human decency and desire to be and live life unencumbered and in peaceful accord with others and nature and the laws of life, means a lot to humanitarians and often is what serves as the motivating factors and forces used for serving and being employed and working in the human rights areas of humanitarian endeavor and aid.
Global Health
Global health is another main foundation principle or area of humanitarian endeavor which addresses the aim to achieve equality in health for all people. For example things like medical assistance for treating famine and sickness, nutrition and food programs, sustainability programs, prevention and cures against all types of chronic diseases and viruses that threaten to wipe out humanity—in addition global health deals with problems like violence against women and children and health improvements of the physical and mental and emotional type for victims of drug abuse, and war, and natural disasters, whose lives have been destroyed and decimated in one form or another and left desolate.
Humanitarian Aid
Another important principle “Humanitarian Aid” is the actions of human endeavor in providing mostly short-term, material and logistical assistance and aid financially and managing crisis’s of one sort or another on a large scale. Two of the most well-known pillars of humanitarian aid are the “Red Cross” and the precepts of “International Humanitarian Law” which addresses impartiality and neutrality and protection for victims such as soldiers and civilians who have been caught up in war and famine.
Humanitarian aid also includes programs, and projects, and policies, and actions that focus on raising awareness and addressing aims to prevent any conflict issues where people are in dire need of for example food, and shelter, and support in rebuilding their lives and homes and eradicating the scars left by disease and poverty—and the ravaging of wars and natural disasters where cities and lives have been destroyed and whole families and the culture lost or decimated and the terrible denigration of human decency and impact on loss of environment is happening, especially in impoverished related countries and where humanitarian aid is most active in hotspots around the world and in most need.
It’s in addressing and doing something about these three important areas which form the foundation for humanitarian soul where the real value and understanding of the human nature, compassion, and spirit comes out and is at its best. No matter how terrible or bad the human condition and living can get, it is the resilience and amicable spirit of human nature or being human that rallies at times of crisis and devastation and which always rises up and shows through more in something, or one, or group, to deal with the cause of suffering and life threatening things which seek to destroy humanity and other life— which is what makes being an humanitarian and human so rewarding and real as a part of life’s joys.