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Humanitarians Yes | International Red Panda Day

The Red Panda is one of natures unique and lovable wildlife animals admired by peoples the world over due to its cuddly looks and colorful design of its fur coat. A protected species awareness is being raised for the Red Pandas right to share and live side by side in peace in their natural habitat with us and the other natural wonders of natures diverse life forms.

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International Whale Shark Day | Humanitarians Yes

Celebration of one of the oceans most spectacular and admired is the beautiful Whale Shark. Every year a special day is allocated to remember and keep these wonderful fish of nature alive and fresh in the mind of humanity and for all to appreciate and see and be a part of in spirit their uniqueness and special joy they show.

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Animal Welfare

If you have a pet animal then no doubt it plays and has its place in your life—even if you don’t have a pet you’d still be reminded that animals exist and contribute in one way or another to society. Animals have their plight and role to play—which me might ask is what—and to what degree do we need them—and what do they offer.