The world wildlife fund is a world-renowned conservation organisation with centres in many parts of the world who have been around since 1961 and 1978 in Australia.
The organisation has a tremendous support group of over 5 million people covering six continents and over 100 countries who come from all walks of life and who are involved in one way or another with W.W.F work and purpose.
In Australia they have a long history and list of successful environmental and conservation projects, which have helped establish national forests and marine parks and developments of initiatives that preserve Australia’s land heritage and determine viable ways which work in lessening the negative effects of land clearing/soil erosion, and farming, and fishing activities that impact natural environment and work instead in aid of benefiting those industries and branches associated in the economic development and sustainability of Australian industry and ecology.
The four main areas their programs focus on are:
Species: The protecting of endangered animals and plants in Australia from extinction. This supports the landscape and the whole ecosystem in general. Many people don’t realize just how many plant and animal species are on the endangered list.
Oceans: Involves protection of the delicate marine environment and diversity of life in the oceans that surround Australia and its closest neighbors. Areas like the Great Barrier Reef and Ningaloo Marine Park are just two examples of success where wildlife support and scientific endeavours along with working with governments and their partners in cooperation to make sure that these natural environments of the ocean are there to stay in their pristine beauty and benefit for all life.
Food: Another program for sustainability to support living a healthy nutritious life and raise awareness about waste and its environmental impact. The program covers right through from the start of the food production from nature in its natural state to sustainable farming and growing of food and then the production and trading of food to when it arrives on the plate at home. Tracking and scientific work is done working with food producers, companies, and governments and other groups to raise awareness of important issues which deal with one or other of how to viably maintain the earths food resources for human survival.
Climate: World wide climate change is another big problem which the world wildlife fund plays a big role in that area as well. It focuses on issues and solving problems connected with global warming, and programs which raise awareness about fossil fuels and the extent in which forests help provide clean air and reduce carbon gases. Also there’s other pollution awareness programs which provide solutions and support for renewable energy and rehabilitation of forests and green environment, helping the shift to zero carbon pollution is a very fundamental concern of the organisation which recognises the importance of being committed to playing a part in helping to preserve a clean and renewable energy for now and future generations.
W.W.F have some great projects which they offer such as you can adopt an animal, or get involved in Earth hour or read up on the many articles and resources they have about wildlife and the planet. Also their website has a great display of photos about wildlife not to be missed which show just how beautiful and important nature is and which you can view by visiting W.W.F